If you feel that happiness is just an arm away, would you stretch further and grab it?
If you think it's your last chance, would you let it slip away?
What if it is happiness you're seeking, and happiness you will attain just by stretching a bit more, only, that happiness is just a breath long and there's nothing you can do about it? Would you still dare touch it?
If you realize that once you've touched it and cherished it, that you'd be drawn to it forever and there's no turning back, would you still long for it?
Would you still reach out knowing full well that, as time goes by, it grows shorter and somewhere, somehow it IS bound to stop and it will stop whether prepared or unprepared you are?
Would you torture yourself with having a happiness you can never enjoy forever, OR a happiness that is non-existent all throughout? Sad yet half-awake? Happy yet half-dead?
If you know that you might be, JUST MIGHT BE, getting a shot at it and maybe, JUST MAYBE, be happy forever, would you deem it true? Or would you rather accept a big fat hug and a wave plus a tissue box, coupled with a stick of cigarette and a cup of coffee and be done with it?
What would have been will never be thought and be forgotten and yet there is that spark intentionally put out to save a little of what's left and there you hang on and never look back because you can't and you won't and you stumble to your bed and you're lonesome because you failed and you know you will fail though you'll never try just to see if you could but you wouldn't because it's futile and yet it's not and it's dream-like but it hurts so much to be considered unreal and you toss and you turn and you'll never get over it and you know it because you've reached out and you stretched, for the life of you, you stretched and you grabbed it and accepted it to be yours and you wake to find that it's not and you can't make out the funny feeling anymore because it's just plain funny now and yet you can't laugh and you sob and you drink and you cry and you light a cigar that you can't get out of your system because it drowns you better than a shot of whiskey and you ask countless questions that you know aren't there but you make them so and they appear and it can't leave, no it can't, and it stays and you disgust yourself with your own thoughts, your own wants and needs and yet you forgive what's left to forgive and you try and sleep but you can't and you'll never be able to dream like the dreams you used to have, awake from that
and it doesn't bother you at all, or so you thought because it does because it hurts and you-just-can't-stop.
You eventually will.
Foolish child.
READ: Filler. Try and recollect. Look for something. Found it? Post it. Good riddance!